Our documentation offers detailed information to help you use ACTnowHPC, but we also offer technical support to ensure you are getting the most out of your cloud HPC solution. Please use this page to check our FAQs, connect to our documentation and contact us with unresolved technical support requests.
You can use tools such as SCP and SFTP to copy data. If you prefer a GUI interface instead of the command line, we recommend a free SFTP client called filezilla.
Jobs are priced individually down to the second. We always round to the nearest penny. You will be billed monthly for your usage in the previous month.
Contact us at [email protected]. If the software is open-source, or freely available, we will likely install it for you. If it’s commercial, we can talk to the vendor to see if we can offer it on our system.
No. Each login node is unique and dedicated to the customer.
Only login nodes are virtualized on ACTnowHPC. Everything else runs on bare metal hardware.
Yes. Each customer on ACTnowHPC has their own dedicated storage volumes, which are placed on our high-performance storage servers and connect via both FDR InfiniBand and 40GB Ethernet.
Need help using our cloud service? Have a technical question?