January 13, 2017

UberCloud Reports on Progress in HPC Cloud Computing

UberCloud recently published its 2016 Compendium of HPC cloud case studies, featuring 200 HPC cloud experiments and 80 case studies. Looking at our last 50 cloud experiments, UberCloud finds that most of the cloud roadblocks that existed in 2012 have disappeared.

Security, once the main roadblock to cloud HPC computing, remains a concern but security experts widely agree that cloud datacenters are at least as secure as any other datacenter on earth.

Software licensing has been another roadblock to cloud HPC computing. Software providers who once viewed cloud computing as a threat to their business models now understand how cloud HPC computing can be a new source of revenue. UberCloud finds that today most software providers have their own cloud licensing models.

Download your copy of UberCloud’s Compendium of HPC cloud case studies.